dinsdag 27 maart 2012
woensdag 21 maart 2012
zondag 18 maart 2012
Twelve orders parenthood.
A day after Empress Kazarina gave birth to Kazodius as she and Barodius left the medic room. Both they looked at their little son sleeping in his mother's arms. Kazarina hugged her baby close to her face. ''Isnt our little son not cute dear?''Empress Kazarina asked. Emperor Barodius smiled at his wife,''Yes my dear Kazarina our son is very adorable and a handsome little boy.''Emperor Barodius replied. As they both entered the throne room Stoica walked up to them,''Congratulations Empress Kazarina and Sire that you two are now parents.''Stoica said. Empress Kazarina and Emperor Barodius smiled at Stoica. ''Thanks Stoica,but after you brought me to the medic room you was suddenly gone.''Empress Kazarina replied. Stoica then looked at Empress Kazarina and he confessed something.
On the next morning Kazodius cried,'''Waaarghhh!!!!!''Kazarina then stood up from their bed as Barodius was still sleeping. Kazarina walked up to the crib to pick her baby boy up and she cradled him and to comfort him. Both Dharak and Lumagrowl smelled something bad. ''It seems he jampacked in his diaper.''Dharak said. Kazarina then put Kazodius on the table as she first removed the dirty diaper. ''Dharak Lumagrowl help me to change diapers and give me some tissues.''Empress Kazarina replied. ''Understood mistress Kazarina.''Lumagrowl said. Kazarina turned her attention back to her little son as Dharak handed her the tissues. Kazarina first cleaned his butt she ordered Lumagrowl to throw the dirty diaper away.
Lumagrowl then threw the dirty diaper away and Kazarina put the clean diaper as she then was done cleaning him. ''So thats settled and mommy will feed you now.''Kazarina said by hugging her baby boy. Barodius also dressed himself as he heard their son crying. ''Kazarina is everything alright with our little son?''Barodius asked. Kazarina cradled and smiled at her husband, ''Our little Kazodius is only hungry dear,but further he is fine.''Kazarina answered.. Barodius then hugged both his wife and son,''Thank goodness I was worried that something would happen to my wife and son.''Barodius said in a worried tone.
Then Kazodius slowly opened his eyes for the first time. Both Kazarina and Barodius are happy to see that Kazodius has the same eyes like his mother. ''Look my dear Kazarina he has the same eye color like you.''Barodius said. Kazarina agreed with her husband,''You're right dear he has indeed the same eyes like me.''Kazarina replied. ''He really has your eyes my dear Kazarina and together we will raise our son into a great next emperor.''Barodius said. Kazarina agreed with.her husband. ''How about we show our little son to the old fool nurzak to see how he will react?''Kazarina asked. Barodius smirked at his wife and placed a arm around her. ''Thats a great ide my dear Nurzak will be schocked to see our son we have together.''Barodius replied.
Then they both left the throne room as they first showed Kazodius to some soldiers who wanted to see the little prince. ''He is a cute boy and a handsome baby Empress Kazarina''The soldiers said as Kazodius smiled at them. ''Hehehe.''Kazodius laughed and then they are heading to the jail.
In the jail where Nurzak was as he was thinking,''I wonder what Barodius is doing lately as I heard some rumors, that he and Kazarina having a baby.''Nurzak said. Sabator looked at him,''Do you really think they have a baby what the soldiers spoke of it could also that they kidnapped a baby from someone.''Nurzak thought until he heard footsteps and some baby noises. Nurzak saw then Emperor Barodius and Kazarina approaching to his jail as he saw indeed a baby in Kazarina's arms. The baby she was holding looked indentical to Barodius. ''So the rumors are true that you two have a baby together?''Nurzak asked. Both Barodius and Kazarina smirked at Nurzak,''Thats right Nurzak Kazarina and I have a son together now.''Barodius answered while holding a arm around her waist. Little Kazodius looked at Nurzak as Nurzak also looked at the little baby boy. ''I must say that he is blue skinned like you Kazarina.''Nurzak said. Kazarina and Barodius looked at him,''We know after all Kazodius is our first child and our heir,and we love our son very dearly.''Both Barodius and Kazarina explained. Little Kazodius then started to cry again as he was hungry. ''Waaarghhh!!!!''Kazodius cried as Kazarina cradled him and to comfort him. ''There there Kazodius I will feed you right away.''Kazarina said. Then she looked at her husband,''Well I better go now and feed our little son.''Kazarina told Barodius. Barodius smiled at his wife,''Very well then my dear Kazarina I want to talk with Nurzak for a while alone.''Barodius replied. Kazarina nodded as Barodius also petted on their son's head,''Daddy comes after later my son''Barodius said.
Then Kazodius smiled at his daddy and Kazarina left with Kazodius in her arms as Nurzak watched her leaving with their baby. ''Kazarina is quite happy to have a child with Barodius.''Nurzak thought. Barodius then looked at Nurzak again, ''Nurzak I warn you if you ever dare to touch Kazarina or my son the you be done for got it?''Barodius said. ''Dont worry I wont dare to touch your beloved son and Kazarina as you really seems to care for Kazarina and your son.''Nurzak replied. Barodius nodded and admitted it. ''Yes of course I care for my wife Kazarina as I am now happy to have married her and to have a son with Kazarina.''Barodius replied. Nurzak noticed the look of his face as he saw that Barodius really loved Kazarina.
Meanwhile Kazarina was breastfeeding him as Lumagrowl watched him how he was sucking on her nipple to drink mothermilk. ''Mistress Kazarina I must say that Kazodius really looks indentical to Barodius and he is a very cute little boy.''Lumagrowl. Kazarina smiled ay Lumagrowl,''I know Lumagrowl and I love our little
son he is my little sunshine.''Kazarina replied. Several hours later Barodius came back to their room where Kazarina was breastfeeding Kazodius. Kazarina was glad to see her husband. ''Barodius dear how about we give Kazodius a first bath together. ''That will be a great idea my dear Kazarina..''Barodius said. Kazodius was then done with drinking as he heard his daddy's voice. ''Waaahhehehe.''Kazodius smiled at his daddy as Kazarina then handed Kazodius to her husband. Barodius also smiled at their beloved son.
A few hours later Barodius and Kazarina gave Kazodius his first bath,.''Heheh..aaahhhhaha.''Kazodius laughed as he liked it that his mommy and daddy are washing him.Even both Barodius and Kazarina too loved their little son very dearly as he was one month old. A hour later after bathing Kazodius they both brought Kazodius to his crib as he fell asleep. Kazarina carefully put Kazodius in his crib. Kazarina also kissed him on his forehead.''Sleep tight our little prince.''Kazarina said. Barodius and kazarina watched him sleeping and then Barodius placed a arm around his wife. ''Its time for us also to go to bed my dear Kazarina.''Barodius said. Kazarina nodded at her husband,''Yes dear you're right.''Kazarina replied. They both then went to bed as well Dharak and Lumagrowl decided to watch over the baby prince for in case.
Meanwhile in the prison Nurzak escaped from the jail as he still didnt want to serve Emperor Barodius anymore. ''Nurzak what will you do next?''Sabator asked as Nurzak was thinking. ''Hmm well first I will try to kidnapp the baby and to see if Kazarina really cares for her child.''Nurzak answered. ''Are you really sure about that Nurzak?''Sabator asked again. ''Yes Sabator and then I will fight Barodius on my own since the others were all defeated in the war.''Nurzak answered.
Sabator wasnt sure about it and anyway its the only way to defeat Barodius for good.
Then later Nurzak approached the bedroom of Barodius and Kazarina,Nurzak watched them sleeping together in bed. ''Those two are really meant for each other.''Nurzak thought. And then Nurzak spotted the crib as Dharak and Lumagrowl were also sleeping. Nurzak then used this chance to pick up the baby and sneaking out of the room. ''Sorry Barodius and Kazarina but its the best for you two to not raise this child into a evil boy.''Nurzak thought. After Nurzak finally reached out of the room Kazodius suddenly started to wake up. Sabator noticed it,''Nurzak the baby is about to wake up!''Sabator said.
''Waaarghhhh!!!!''Kazodius cried as Lumagrowl heard him crying,''Empress Kazarina Emperor Barodius wake up,someone kidnapped Kazodius!''Lumagrowl shouted. Both Barodius and Kazarina then woke up as both Barodius and Kazarina were worried to lose their beloved child. ''We better hurry if we find the kidnapper then I kill him right away.''Barodius thought. Both they then decided to look outside the castle as Kazarina was also worried. Dharak and Lumagrowkl then saw Nurzak in the distance with Kazodius,''Barodius it seems that old fool has kidnapped little Kazodius.''Dharak said. Barodius was angered,''That old fool again I will let him pay for kidnapping our child.''Barodius replied. ''Waarghhh!!!!''Kazodius cried for his parents untill then first Kazarina arrived to the spot were Nurzak is. Nurzak then turned around to see Kazarina being angered as well. ''You old fool please give me my baby back!''Kazarina demanded.
A moment later Barodius also arrived with some soldiers to surround Nurzak,''Nurzak you fool how dare you to snatch our child away like a rat.''Barodius said. Nurzak then turned to Barodius as he was schocked to see the emperor also being angered. Nurzak then had no choice to surrender as it was too many soldiers surrounded him and then Kazodius wanted to be with his parents again.. ''Very well I return the baby and I want to challege you to a brawl Barodius.''
''Well I too was married while you two were gone to your honeymoon,and I became also a father off a son yesterday.''Stoica admitted as Emperor Barodius placed a hand on his shoulder,''Thats great news for you Stoica,and that will mean that your son and our son can become friends of each other.''Emperor Barodius replied. After this conversation Empress Kazarina looked one more time at Stoica,''By the way Stoica have you seen Airzel,I havent seen him for a while?''Kazarina asked. Stoica knew what Airzel was doing and he looked back at Empress Kazarina.
''Well Empress Kazarina he also became a father of a sweet little daughter.''Stoica answered. Both Emperor Barodius and Empress Kazarina looked at Stoica,''So Airzel is also a father huh?''Emperor Barodius said. ''That means a new generation of the twelve orders is born if you ask me.''Dharak replied. Then Kazodius started to cry,''Waaarghhh!!!!! Kazodius was hungery. Kazarina then comforted her baby. ''Shhhsshh its alright Mommy will feed you now.''Kazarina comforted him. Kazodius then stopped crying and then she sat down on her throne and she zips her dress open. Kazodius then clinged to her breast and Kazarina starts to breastfeed him. Both Emperor Barodius and Stoica watched Kazarina breastfeeding Kazodius.
''Empress Kazarina is such a good mother dont you think sire?''Stoica asked and Emperor Barodius nodded. ''I know Stoica and I too will do my best to be a good father.''Emperor Barodius answered. Stoica then looked one more time at Emperor Barodius,''Well then I better go home to see my wife Silica and my son Sly.''Stoica said. Emperor Barodius then nodded and he watched Stoica leaving. After Stoica left and Emperor Barodius then turned back to his wife how she was breastfeeding their son. Emperor Barodius then sat next to her as he also placed a arm around her. Empress Kazarina smiled at her husband. ''I am so glad to have a child with you dear.''Empress Kazarina said. Barodius nodded and also smiled at her,''I know my dear Kazarina and together we will raise our son together.''Emperor Barodius replied.
Then a minute later Kazodius was then with drinking as he had a bit of milk on his mouth and Kazarina then wiped it away with a tissue. ''Had you enough my little son?''Kazarina said to her little boy. Kazodius then hugged his mommy and Kazarina also hugged her little boy back. ''heheee.''Kazodius laughed. Then after hugging his mommy. Kazodius then wants to be in his daddy's arms,''uuughhh!!''Kazodius made some baby noises as Kazarina then handed their son to Barodius. Barodius then took his son in his arms. Emperor Barodius then tickeld his little son and Kazodius starts to laugh at his daddy.
Meanwhile in Neathia.. Gill and his wife Kasha had two sons. As Gill held Jiro in his arms as he held his son close to Kasha's breast Gill blushed at this sight. ''Kasha's breast's has grown bigger since her pregnancy.''Gill thought while blushing. Both Jiro and Giro were drinking mothermilk. Kasha looked at her two little sons drinking and she noticed that Gill couldnt stop to look at her breast's. ''Dear your face is totally red from blushing.''Kasha said while smiling. And she gave him a kiss on his cheek. Gill smiled lovely at his wife back.
Then both Giro and Jiro were done with drinking,''Waaargh!!!''Both Giro and Jiro yawned and they both then fell asleep in their daddy's and mommy's arms. Gill and Kasha looked at their sleeping little son's Kasha gave them a kiss on their cheeks.''Sleep tight our little son's.''Kasha said. Both Gill and Kasha stood up as they walked up to the crib putting them in their crib. Gill pulled the blanket over them.
In Gundalia as night fell Kazodius asleep and both Barodius and Kazarina brough Kazodius to his crib. Kazarina laid him down as Emperor Barodius was wondering if Gill had children too. ''I will contact Gill tomorrow.''Emperor Barodius thought.
On the next day morning Emperor Barodius decided to contact Gill as he thought if Gill had children too or not. Then a screen went on as Emperor Barodius saw Gill toying with his two three days old son's. ''Hmm how nice you are playing with your children Gill?''Emperor Barodius asked. Gill then turned around as he saw Emperor Barodius on the screen. ''Thats right Sire those two are my little son's Giro and Jiro.''Gill answered. Emperor Barodius looked at them as he looked especially at Jiro. ''This little boy almost looks excactly like you.''Emperor Barodius said. Gill agreed with Barodius and he smirked,''I know Jiro looks like a little me,but he has green eyes and Giro has the same yellow eyes as me.''Gill replied.
Giro then suddenly hugged his daddy against his face as Barodius somehow liked this sight,''It seems both of your sons are loving their daddy very much.''Emperor Barodius said as the screen then went off. Gill then looked back at his sons and he too hugged them back. ''Daddy loves you two my little brave boys.''Gill replied.
In Gundalia..
Kazodius was sleeping in his crib like a rock and Kazarina couldnt stop looking at their little son sleeping. Lumagrowl also looked at him,''Empress Kazarina I must say that Kazodius looks cute when he sleeps.''Lumagrowl said. Kazarina smiled,''I know Lumagrowl my little Kazodius is so cute and handsome like his father.''Kazarina replied.
On the next morning Kazodius cried,'''Waaarghhh!!!!!''Kazarina then stood up from their bed as Barodius was still sleeping. Kazarina walked up to the crib to pick her baby boy up and she cradled him and to comfort him. Both Dharak and Lumagrowl smelled something bad. ''It seems he jampacked in his diaper.''Dharak said. Kazarina then put Kazodius on the table as she first removed the dirty diaper. ''Dharak Lumagrowl help me to change diapers and give me some tissues.''Empress Kazarina replied. ''Understood mistress Kazarina.''Lumagrowl said. Kazarina turned her attention back to her little son as Dharak handed her the tissues. Kazarina first cleaned his butt she ordered Lumagrowl to throw the dirty diaper away.
Lumagrowl then threw the dirty diaper away and Kazarina put the clean diaper as she then was done cleaning him. ''So thats settled and mommy will feed you now.''Kazarina said by hugging her baby boy. Barodius also dressed himself as he heard their son crying. ''Kazarina is everything alright with our little son?''Barodius asked. Kazarina cradled and smiled at her husband, ''Our little Kazodius is only hungry dear,but further he is fine.''Kazarina answered.. Barodius then hugged both his wife and son,''Thank goodness I was worried that something would happen to my wife and son.''Barodius said in a worried tone.
Then Kazodius slowly opened his eyes for the first time. Both Kazarina and Barodius are happy to see that Kazodius has the same eyes like his mother. ''Look my dear Kazarina he has the same eye color like you.''Barodius said. Kazarina agreed with her husband,''You're right dear he has indeed the same eyes like me.''Kazarina replied. ''He really has your eyes my dear Kazarina and together we will raise our son into a great next emperor.''Barodius said. Kazarina agreed with.her husband. ''How about we show our little son to the old fool nurzak to see how he will react?''Kazarina asked. Barodius smirked at his wife and placed a arm around her. ''Thats a great ide my dear Nurzak will be schocked to see our son we have together.''Barodius replied.
Then they both left the throne room as they first showed Kazodius to some soldiers who wanted to see the little prince. ''He is a cute boy and a handsome baby Empress Kazarina''The soldiers said as Kazodius smiled at them. ''Hehehe.''Kazodius laughed and then they are heading to the jail.
In the jail where Nurzak was as he was thinking,''I wonder what Barodius is doing lately as I heard some rumors, that he and Kazarina having a baby.''Nurzak said. Sabator looked at him,''Do you really think they have a baby what the soldiers spoke of it could also that they kidnapped a baby from someone.''Nurzak thought until he heard footsteps and some baby noises. Nurzak saw then Emperor Barodius and Kazarina approaching to his jail as he saw indeed a baby in Kazarina's arms. The baby she was holding looked indentical to Barodius. ''So the rumors are true that you two have a baby together?''Nurzak asked. Both Barodius and Kazarina smirked at Nurzak,''Thats right Nurzak Kazarina and I have a son together now.''Barodius answered while holding a arm around her waist. Little Kazodius looked at Nurzak as Nurzak also looked at the little baby boy. ''I must say that he is blue skinned like you Kazarina.''Nurzak said. Kazarina and Barodius looked at him,''We know after all Kazodius is our first child and our heir,and we love our son very dearly.''Both Barodius and Kazarina explained. Little Kazodius then started to cry again as he was hungry. ''Waaarghhh!!!!''Kazodius cried as Kazarina cradled him and to comfort him. ''There there Kazodius I will feed you right away.''Kazarina said. Then she looked at her husband,''Well I better go now and feed our little son.''Kazarina told Barodius. Barodius smiled at his wife,''Very well then my dear Kazarina I want to talk with Nurzak for a while alone.''Barodius replied. Kazarina nodded as Barodius also petted on their son's head,''Daddy comes after later my son''Barodius said.
Then Kazodius smiled at his daddy and Kazarina left with Kazodius in her arms as Nurzak watched her leaving with their baby. ''Kazarina is quite happy to have a child with Barodius.''Nurzak thought. Barodius then looked at Nurzak again, ''Nurzak I warn you if you ever dare to touch Kazarina or my son the you be done for got it?''Barodius said. ''Dont worry I wont dare to touch your beloved son and Kazarina as you really seems to care for Kazarina and your son.''Nurzak replied. Barodius nodded and admitted it. ''Yes of course I care for my wife Kazarina as I am now happy to have married her and to have a son with Kazarina.''Barodius replied. Nurzak noticed the look of his face as he saw that Barodius really loved Kazarina.
Meanwhile Kazarina was breastfeeding him as Lumagrowl watched him how he was sucking on her nipple to drink mothermilk. ''Mistress Kazarina I must say that Kazodius really looks indentical to Barodius and he is a very cute little boy.''Lumagrowl. Kazarina smiled ay Lumagrowl,''I know Lumagrowl and I love our little
son he is my little sunshine.''Kazarina replied. Several hours later Barodius came back to their room where Kazarina was breastfeeding Kazodius. Kazarina was glad to see her husband. ''Barodius dear how about we give Kazodius a first bath together. ''That will be a great idea my dear Kazarina..''Barodius said. Kazodius was then done with drinking as he heard his daddy's voice. ''Waaahhehehe.''Kazodius smiled at his daddy as Kazarina then handed Kazodius to her husband. Barodius also smiled at their beloved son.
A few hours later Barodius and Kazarina gave Kazodius his first bath,.''Heheh..aaahhhhaha.''Kazodius laughed as he liked it that his mommy and daddy are washing him.Even both Barodius and Kazarina too loved their little son very dearly as he was one month old. A hour later after bathing Kazodius they both brought Kazodius to his crib as he fell asleep. Kazarina carefully put Kazodius in his crib. Kazarina also kissed him on his forehead.''Sleep tight our little prince.''Kazarina said. Barodius and kazarina watched him sleeping and then Barodius placed a arm around his wife. ''Its time for us also to go to bed my dear Kazarina.''Barodius said. Kazarina nodded at her husband,''Yes dear you're right.''Kazarina replied. They both then went to bed as well Dharak and Lumagrowl decided to watch over the baby prince for in case.
Meanwhile in the prison Nurzak escaped from the jail as he still didnt want to serve Emperor Barodius anymore. ''Nurzak what will you do next?''Sabator asked as Nurzak was thinking. ''Hmm well first I will try to kidnapp the baby and to see if Kazarina really cares for her child.''Nurzak answered. ''Are you really sure about that Nurzak?''Sabator asked again. ''Yes Sabator and then I will fight Barodius on my own since the others were all defeated in the war.''Nurzak answered.
Sabator wasnt sure about it and anyway its the only way to defeat Barodius for good.
Then later Nurzak approached the bedroom of Barodius and Kazarina,Nurzak watched them sleeping together in bed. ''Those two are really meant for each other.''Nurzak thought. And then Nurzak spotted the crib as Dharak and Lumagrowl were also sleeping. Nurzak then used this chance to pick up the baby and sneaking out of the room. ''Sorry Barodius and Kazarina but its the best for you two to not raise this child into a evil boy.''Nurzak thought. After Nurzak finally reached out of the room Kazodius suddenly started to wake up. Sabator noticed it,''Nurzak the baby is about to wake up!''Sabator said.
''Waaarghhhh!!!!''Kazodius cried as Lumagrowl heard him crying,''Empress Kazarina Emperor Barodius wake up,someone kidnapped Kazodius!''Lumagrowl shouted. Both Barodius and Kazarina then woke up as both Barodius and Kazarina were worried to lose their beloved child. ''We better hurry if we find the kidnapper then I kill him right away.''Barodius thought. Both they then decided to look outside the castle as Kazarina was also worried. Dharak and Lumagrowkl then saw Nurzak in the distance with Kazodius,''Barodius it seems that old fool has kidnapped little Kazodius.''Dharak said. Barodius was angered,''That old fool again I will let him pay for kidnapping our child.''Barodius replied. ''Waarghhh!!!!''Kazodius cried for his parents untill then first Kazarina arrived to the spot were Nurzak is. Nurzak then turned around to see Kazarina being angered as well. ''You old fool please give me my baby back!''Kazarina demanded.
A moment later Barodius also arrived with some soldiers to surround Nurzak,''Nurzak you fool how dare you to snatch our child away like a rat.''Barodius said. Nurzak then turned to Barodius as he was schocked to see the emperor also being angered. Nurzak then had no choice to surrender as it was too many soldiers surrounded him and then Kazodius wanted to be with his parents again.. ''Very well I return the baby and I want to challege you to a brawl Barodius.''
vrijdag 16 maart 2012
maandag 12 maart 2012
vrijdag 9 maart 2012
woensdag 7 maart 2012
vrijdag 2 maart 2012
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