zaterdag 17 augustus 2013

Digimon fate of the young digimon prince a fan digimon fanfiction

In a distant place in the digiworld there was a great royal dragon humanoid  digimon family living. The guardian and best friend of the prince Destomon a strong dragon humanoid dragon knight  digimon whose heart is a crystal to turn evil digimon back to good digimons again,he has a secret that no one knows. He trained prince Zorandramon a young humanoid dragon digimon. ''Come on prince Zorandramon you must get stronger,in order to become soon a strong king like your father one day.'' Prince Zorandramon nods,''I know Destomon   even there is still crimes going on lately.'' Both then took a break from training. Destomon sighed,''Indeed prince Zorandramon,we must do everything to protect you and your parents even the dark evil royal family is dangerous I heard the evil king Darkakumamon is searching for the body of his wife Leilahmon.'' Destomon explained. Yorandramon looked at him,''Dont worry Destomon my Father is strong he can defeat Darkakumamon,he cannot easy be defeated.'' Zorandramon said.  ''I hope it too prince,and its my duty to protect you all even the other Knights are somewhere out there to fight against the dark army,I never heard any life sign of Nishtantmon anymore he is the one who defeated Leilahmon.'' Yorandramon knew how his friend felt about Nishtantmon.  Later then his father called him,''Zoran could you come here for a moment?''Orpheusdramon said. ''Coming dad.'' He then went direct to his father and mother,in the throne room.  Even Destomon also came to the throne room as he starts to be worried that something terrible might happen this night.  Both Orpheusdramon and his wife Auroradramon,looked at their son. ''Whats the matter mother and and father?''Zorandramon asked. Both were worried,''To tell you the truth my son the dark army is heading this way towards our castle.''Orpheusdramon answered. ''Then I do my best to fight alongside you father,together with our army we can beat them.''Zorandramon replied. Orpheusdramon shook his head,''No my son its too dangerous for you,you and your mother must leave I and Destomon will defend our kingdom you are my only son please understand Zoran.'' Yorandramon then nods,''I understand father but please be careful I dont want to lose you and Destomon.''Zorandramon said. Auroradramon hugged her son,''I feel the same Zoran,your father is very brave and we must accept this choice.''She replied.

Meanwhile the evil prince Alakaidosmon,was leading the army.''Have no mercy towards them.kill them all!''Alakaidosmon shouted. ''Yes prince Alakaidosmon."'the soldiers replied. The villager s digimons  were scared,some ran away and some decided to fight them. They all screamed and gets killed,""Arghhhh!!! us..!!!''they screamed.  At the castle the other knight Ausradramon the brother of Queen Auroradramon and uncle of Zorandramon rushed to them. ''They arrived and started to attack the villagers. Orpheusmon then gives him a order,''Ausradramon bring Zoran and Aurora to safety now!''He said. Ausradramon nods,''Yes sire,now come follow me Zoran and Aurora.''Ausradramon replied. Both Zorandramon nods,''Alright uncle,father Destomon please dont die on us.''Zorandramon said as he hugged his father. Even Queen Auroradramon hugged her husband. ''Dont worry Aurora and Zoran I will so,go now!'' Untill then the castle gets under attack. Ausradramon Zorandramon,and Queen Auroradramon starts to use the secret passage way out of the castle. Zorandramon  and his mother then fled from the invasion of the evil digmons .

But however Orpheusmon and Destomon faces Darkakumamon and his servants it was two on two fight. ''Hehe do you think you have a chance against me Orpheusmon?''He laughed evily .
Orpheusmon wasnt afraid of him,and Destomon was also ready.

''I will defend my family Darkakumamon,you will never get what you want.''Orpheusmon replied.

''Hmm then try.''Darkakumamon said with a evil smirk. They both then takes out their weapons while Destomon fights a terrible digimon monster that looked very dangerous.