The four cursed demon brother's
Chapter 1 the curse of dark Minds
Before Zania and Soimox had met Scionox there was a time he,became evil minded by a curtain curse caused by Vixudar that self became affected.
Vixudar grinned at them''cause there is some source of power being discovered at the Shadow temple,not far away from our place.''Vixudar answered.
Valron Raimedahr and Tonusuilohr were being speechless exept Scionoxhn ,''The Shadow temple?'' arcording to the old legends that place was once home of Nercomancers undead warlocks and other kind of demons. Scionoxhn finds it rather interresting to go there but Valron has other thoughts of that. ''Why we should we go there master Vixudar?''Raimedahr asked.
Vixudar then signed yet then looking at them''cause you four are specialized in with ancient demon languages and texts also with traps.''Vixudar answered.
''Very well master we will go there right away.''Valron said as Lillith had looked at Tonusuilohr then back at her master Vixudar,sensing something isnt right about it same thoughts had Fhareguonor too,since they heard it could be dangerous.
After the converstation the four brothers left the throne room ,to prepare themselves for the mission Valron still wasnt sure about it''what if something can happen to us when we are inside?'' Tonusuilohr looked at Valron. ''Dont worry I wont let notthing happen to you or Scionoxhn and Raimedahr.''Tonusuilohr ressured him,while leaving the castle Fhareguonor watched them leaving with Lilith.
''Be aware of the curse of Xerubur the dark necromancer demon.''Fhareguonor thought.
Valron Scionoxhn Raimedahr and Tonusuilohr then left flying into the sky towards the direction of the west,Valron had the map studied marked the spot they must go to a dark sanctuary surrounded by trees.
Tonusuilohr led the way flying ahead of them Raimedahr looked around during flying ''So many dark trees and dead trees also no life at all....''Raimedahr said as Tonusuilohr said nothing he only focused on leading them.
''Raimedahr ...could be you re afraid?''Scionoxhn asked in a teasing tone Raimedahr gave him a annoyed look,''no I am not afraid Scionoxhn...''Raimedahr answered.
Tonusuilohr then turned around to them,''Enough,,,we are almost there..''
Both then remained silent till they later arrives at the first dark forest,Valron looked at it seeing a pathway that leads them to the dark Sanctuary.''This way over there!...''
His three brothers looked too at the pathway''Good lets go ..and stay close.'' Tonusuilohr suggested Valron Scionoxhn and Raimedahr nodded,following him straight into the pathway. Also they sees on the ground skeletons of travelers that once got killed during the war,nothing left as stence of death and bodies,''Hmm..they..sure were unaware...''Scionoxhn thought.
later they arrived at the temple s gate wich door was open,when they realize someone is there too after the power source.
''Hmm seems someone wants it too the source of power..''Scionoxhn said.
Tonusuilohr can assume it must be someone that is also wants it,''Yes indeed but we will get it first before that person whoever it is.''Tonusuilohr replied.