zondag 5 februari 2012

Kazarina's pregnancy prologue

After a month passed since Emperor Barodius had sex with Kazarina as one day Kazarina went to the bathroom to vomit.''EARGHHH!!!''Kazarina vomitted as Lumagrowl looked at his mistress.''Mistress Kazarina are you alright?''Lumagrowl asked as Kazarina looked at Lumagrowl as she sighed. ''It seems I am indeed a month pregnant now Lumagrowl,maybe I do a pregnancy test to confirm if I am pregnant or not.''Kazarina answered. Kazarina left the bathroom Lumagrowl floated with her to the medic room as the docter had expected her to come,''Ready to do a pregnancy test?''The doctor asked. Empress Kazarina nodded,''Yes doctor lets do it.''Empress Kazarina answered. A minute later as the results are positive as Kazarina was glad to see the results. ''Thanks doctor I will tell my husband the good news.''Empress Kazarina said and she left the medic room.

5 months later at the start of the 5th month as Emperor Barodius could feel that Kazarina' s stomach has totally swollen up. ''Her stomach has now swollen up.''Emperor Barodius thought and he then placed his head on her stomach to check if he could hear the baby. Empress Kazarina also then woke up and she blushed. ''Can you hear our baby dear?''Empress Kazarina asked. Emperor Barodius then heard indeed a tiny heart beat,''Yes my dear Kazarina I can hear a heart beat.''Barodius answered. Then Kazarina felt a movement,''Urghhh!!!''Kazarina held a hand on her stomach. Emperor Barodius then helped his wife. He helped to change her clothes and then he also changed his clothes.

Even old Nurzak saw Emperor Barodius with Kazarina since he was in prison. He then noticed that they had married and he saw that Kazarina's stomach has grown huge. ''Did you gained weight or something,and dont tell me that you're pregnant?''Nurzak asked. Both Emperor Barodius and Empress Kazarina looked at Nurzak. ''Thats right I am pregnant,and I am expecting a baby.''Empress Kazarina answered.

''Then I wont disturb you two anymore.''Nurzak said and he walked away as both Emperor Barodius and Empress Kazarina then went to the medic room. The Doctor was waiting for them. ''Just lay down on the bed Empress Kazarina,and I prepare everything for the ultrasound.''The Doctor told. Empress Kazarina then laid down on the bed,even revealing her huge stomach. Emperor Barodius was holding her hand and he couldnt stop to look at her swollen stomach. The doctor started to scan. The monitor went on and the doctor scanned her stomach. Kazarina was a bit nervous. The doctor scanned further her stomach untill he then spotted the unborn child on the screen. ''Look Empress Kazarina this is your child,and can you see it?''The doctor asked. Kazarina then looked at the monitor and she too saw the child. Even Emperor Barodius saw their child. ''Which gender is the baby Doctor?''Both Emperor Barodius and Kazarina asked. The Doctor could see it was a boy,''The child is a boy Empress Kazarina.''The doctor answered.
Both Emperor Barodius and Empress Kazarina were glad to hear this. Barodius hugged his wife very carefully,''Oh my dear Kazarina thats such a great news.''Emperor Barodius embraced her and Kazarina also hugged him back.

Then they left the medic room as Empress Kazarina was a bit tired and Barodius brought Kazarina to their bedroom. Dharak and Lumagrowl were waiting for the good news. ''And what did the doctor say?''Both Dharak and Lumagrowl asked. Barodius and Kazarina smiled at Dharak and Lumagrowl,''The child is a boy.''Empress Kazarina answered. ''Thats great news Empress Kazarina.''Lumagrowl replied. Barodius then held a arm around her as he placed a hand on her stomach. ''I cant wait till our son will be born.''Emperor Barodius said. Kazarina blushed and she too placed her hand on his hand. ''Over 4 months and I will give birth to our son.''Kazarina replied.

4 months passed Empress Kazarina was high pregnant. Emperor Barodius had to go to hold a speech as Kazarina looked at her husband. ''Good luck dear and come back quick before I will it will happen that I will give birth to our baby.''Empress Kazarina said. Emperor Barodius nodded and smiled at her. ''Dont worry I will come back in time my dear Kazarina.''Emperor Barodius replied. He then left as Kazarina watched her husband leaving. After Emperor Barodius left as luckily Stoica was also in the throne room to keep a eye on Kazarina. Stoica noticed that Empress Kazarina had pain in her stomach,''Empress Kazarina are you alright?''Stoica asked.

Empress Kazarina felt suddenly a very strong sharp pain in her stomach,''AAarghhhh the baby is coming!!!!''Empress Kazarina collapsed on the ground and Stoica luckily caught her. ''I better bring Kazarina quick to the medic room,and she is about to give birth.''Stoica thought. Stoica looked one of the soldiers. ''Quick and tell Emperor Barodius that Empress Kazarina is about to give birth to his son!''Stoica orded the soldier. ''Understood Master Stoica!''The soldier rushed out of the throne room. Stoica quickly brought Kazarina to the medic room and the doctor prepared everything for the childbirth.

Meanwhile Emperor Barodius was holding a speech until the soldier rushed into the great hall. '''Sire Empress Kazarina its.. time that she is about to give birth to your child!''The Soldier said.

Emperor Barodius then was luckily done with his speech and he rushed up to the soldier,''Then I better hurry or I miss the birth of my son!''Emperor Barodius rushed with the soldier out of the great hall. Both they rushed towards the medic room and right to the delivery room. Emperor Barodius saw then Kazarina is pushing so hard she can. ''Waargghhh!!!!Kazarina pushed and the doctor looked below her legs as blood came out of her vagina and it was a sign that the baby was coming. Emperor Barodius then went to her bedside and he held her hand tight. ''You can do it my dear Kazarina just push further!''Emperor Barodius said. Kazarina nodded as she then pushed two time more. ''Uurghhhaaa!!!!'' The doctor then saw a head of the child coming out of her vagina as Barodius saw it too. ''Push one more time Empress Kazarina.''The doctor said. Kazarina then pushed all she got,''Uuuraarghhh!!!!!!!!'' Kazarina then finally gave birth to their baby. ''Waaarghhhh!!!!!'' The baby cried and Kazarina was panting as Barodius then hugged his wife. ''You did it my dear Kazarina!''Emperor Barodius hugged her. Kazarina also hugged him back,''I.. know dear,and it was a heavy birth.''Empress Kazarina replied.

The doctor picked the baby boy up and  cut the umbilical cord and then he wrapped the baby clean as he then   handed the baby to Empress Kazarina.''Congratulations Empress Kazarina its a healthy little baby boy. ''Kazarina then took their baby in her arms and she cradled him. ''There there dont cry our little Kazodius everything is alright now.''Kazarina comforted their baby as the little boy then stopped to cry.

Both Emperor Barodius and Kazarina then looked with joy at their little baby together.

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