maandag 30 juli 2012

Hakuro's background story

After both Giro and Kazodius were slashed by one healian soldier. As one day a strange man approached the gundalian castle. Emperor Barodius and Empress Kazarina were sitting in their throne. A soldier walked up to them. ''Sire and Empress Kazarina some man called Hakuro wants to speak with you. Both Barodius and Kazarina looked at the soldier. ''Very well then let him in and lead him here to me.''Emperor Barodius replied. The soldier bowed,''Yes sire.''The soldiers let the strange man here in the throne room as Hakuro then entered the throne room. Emperor Barodius and Empress Kazarina looked at him as they never such a person like him before. ''What's your name and what kind of race are you?''Barodius asked. Hakuro then bowed for him. ''I am the leader of the Healian forces my name is Hakuro and I am a healian.''Hakuro introduced himself. ''So you are a healian,we never saw a race like yours before.''Empress Kazarina said. Hakuro looked at her,''Well let me explain , well he healians are similiar as you gundalians we have only healing skills and if someone of us dies we give their engery further to a other person.''Hakuro explained. Emperor Barodius and Kazarina found it very interresting what he just said. ''So you have healing skills huh,how about you demostrate your healing skills Hakuro?''Emperor Barodius asked. ''Sure I could show it to you two.''Hakuro replied. Emperor Barodius then stood up and walks up to him,''Then I want you to heal my son,because he has a nasty wound on his chest and Giro must be healed as well.''Emperor Barodius told. Hakuro then understood. ''Very well then I will heal your son and his friend.'' Then Emperor Barodius leaves the throne room with Hakuro as he leads him to the medic room where Kazodius and Giro where laying in bed. Kazodius had bandage around his chest and Giro had bandage around his eye. Emperor Barodius then walked up to his son's bedside. ''Kazodius my son wake up.''Barodius said. '' that you?''The 13  year old boy said. ''Yes its me my son.'' Then Kazodius woke up and saw a another man besides his father. ''Dad who is this person?''Kazodius asked. ''This is Hakuro a healian who will heal you right away.''Barodius answered. Hakuro then placed his hand on Kazodius's chest as his hand then started to glow. Barodius looked at him even it hurted a bit. ''Just endure a bit prince Kazodius.''Hakuro said. Kazodius then nodded. A minute later Kazodius couldnt feel luckily no more pain in his chest. ''Thanks Hakuro.''Kazodius thanked him. Hakuro nodded and he went no to Giro's bedside. He then placed his hand on Giro's eye.  Giro then could feel his pain also fading away but he couldnt heal his eye completely.  ''Do you feel better now?''Hakuro asked. Giro nodded at him,''Thanks sir but who are you?''Giro answered. ''I am Hakuro the leader of the healian military force,and you must be prince Giro right?''Hakuro said. Giro nodded,''Yes thats right.''Giro replied.

After hours passed Hakuro and Barodius left the medic room as Hakuro then got a call from his sister queen Gracia. ''Hakuro you must return quickly back........'''Hakuro was schocked,''What the goin on?'' Hakuro thought. Emperor Barodius looked at him,''What's wrong Hakuro?''Barodius asked. ''I must go back emperor Barodius it seems our king Kreios has become crazy lately I must go now right away!'' And so Hakuro left.

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