donderdag 30 augustus 2012

healian war conflict prologue and beginning

Few years passed since Emperor Barodius and the twelve orders defeated the brawlers,they took over Neathia and Code Eve gave her powers to Phanthom Dharak. He elvolved into Exodus Dharak,but that was not evertything. Kazarina married Emperor Barodius as she became Empress and his wife.  Gill became the new ruler of Neathia, and so a new generation began.  Somewhere in a unknown world planet there was a planet similiar to Neathia and Gundalia. This planet was called Healia a planet were healians live. The healians are a peacefull race like the neathians,but they were strong brawlers like the gundalians and they have to ability to heal themselves and they live longer then the gundalians.

In a dark dessert there was a temple were a curtain evil spider bakugan was sealed. As some spider bakugans entered the temple,to awaken their master Terrakor. Both darkus Cicarius and Darkus Weddina brought his core to him.''Cicarius are you sure our master will wake up?''Cicarius looked at her. ''Dont worry Weddina,he will wake up.''Cicarius said. The core then starts to glow,as then after the light faded Terrakor's body started to glow and absorbed the core.  ''Hehehe finally I am awaken again,I thank you two.''Terrakor said after being elvolved.  Both spider bakugans looked at him,''Master Terrakor what is your plan?''Cicarius asked. Terrakor looked at Cicarius and Weddina. ''I will take revenge against the healians what they did to me.''
''We are ready for your orders master.''Weddina said,as Terrakor grinned at her. ''Good Weddina we will make our way right now to the village.''

Later in the village were commander Norio and his family lived in peace,as they were unaware of the danger that will come. Adelia was cooking as Shigeru spended time with his pregnant girlfriend to watch the clouds. Crystal and Shigeru were kissing each other,''Hmmm...'' Pyrus Asterot watched over them. ''I must protect Crystal,no matter what happens.''Asterot thought.
After the kiss both Shigeru and Crystal gazed at each other,''I cant wait to have soon our first baby together Shigeru.'' Crystal said while blushing. Shigeru gave her a lovely smile,''I know Crystal I will be happy to become a father.''   At the healian main castle were the royal family lived, princess Kira was standing at the balcony to watch over the city.  Haos Weddhar was sitting on her shoulder,''Princess Kira look Silver is giving Gina a rose,they really suit to each other.'' Gina blushed as she took the rose,''Oh Silver you are so sweet.''She then hugs him as he did the same. ''I love you Gina.''Silver confessed.
Gina blushed again,;''I love you too Silver.''She embraced him back.  Untill Queen Gracia came to her daughter.  Princess Kira turned around,''Mother  is something the matter?''Kira asked. Queen Gracia smiled at her daughter,''No Kira there is nothing wrong.'' 

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