zaterdag 15 december 2012

Virizion x Cobalion love

After they traveled further to a distant place Virizion was a bit exhausted. ''Let me rest for a while..''Virizion said. Cobalion then looks at her and smiled,''Alright then we take a break.''Cobalion replied. And when they wanted to rest as Virizion starts to nuzzle him,making Cobalion blush at her. ''Cobalion you are so warm.''Virizion said while nuzzling him. Cobalion too nuzzled her back,''I too love you Virizion,your scent is so sweet like a flower.''Cobalion replied. And so they nuzzled for a while untill they noticed something wasnt right like someone was missing. Both they looked around,''Wait a sec..were the heck is Keldeo and Terrakion?''Virizion asked. Cobalion stood up,''We better find them right away.''Cobalion answered as he almost wanted to leave Virizon stops him. ''Cobalion wait..they can take care of themselves....and besides let us enjoy our moment together.''Virzion said while blushing. Cobalion never realized that she loved him that much. As he always thought she loved Terrakion but he then realized he too had feelings for her. Cobalion starts to blush too even he felt like cheating on his friend.  Meanwhile somewhere else in a other location in a forest Terrakion was dreaming. Terrakion's dream.. ''Terrakion dear let us mate..''Virizion said. Terrakion blushing and feeling his heart beating for her. ''With pleasure Virizion sweetheart...hehehe!!!''Terrakion started to think that he wanted to mate with Virizion. End of Terrakion's dream,''Aaarghhh!!!! Terrakion what the hell are you doing with me!!''Keldeo shouted it out. Terrakion then woke up and went off him. ''Its me Keldeo and I am not Virizion.''Keldeo said. ''Sorry Keldeo I want just to confess my feelings for her.''Terrakion replied. ''Well you did confess only in your dreams.''Keldeo replied. Terrakion was sorry for his behavior. ''Its okay Terrakion I forgive you.''Keldeo replied. ''Thanks Keldeo,and beside we better hurry or they are gone without us.''Terrakion said. Keldeo nodded and so the two of them went search for Virizion and Cobalion.  Hours later for searching Virizion and Cobalion Terrakion starts to freak out. ''Dont..tell me..that they left us behind dont they?''Terrakion asked. Keldeo either dont know what to do next,''I dont knoe Terrakion,but they never will ditch us after all we are a great team together.''Keldeo said. '''re right after all Cobalion and Virizion went ahead and are probaly waiting for us to catch up.''Terrakion replied. While walking  through the forest Keldeo was thinking what Cobalion and Virzion could do while waiting for them. ''Hmmm..could be it cant be that Virizion wants to mate with Cobalion.''Keldeo thought. Terrakion on the other hand was afraid that Cobalion maybe is in love with her too. Untill they then heard a scream. ''Someobe please help me!!''A female voice was heard. Both they heard the voice as Keldeo runs ahead,''There's someone in need we better hurry Terrakion!!''Keldeo runs into the direction. Terrakion too runs after him..

Meanwhile in the othe forest Virzion slowly gets the desire that she wants offspring with Cobalion. ''Cobalion....I ermm want to have offspring with you.''Virizion said with a blush. Cobalion blushed what she said to him. '' really sure we should do this?''Cobalion answered as he too blushed. ''Yes I want to Cobalion.''Virizion answered.

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