maandag 4 juni 2012

The birth of Giro and Jiro.

As Queen Kasha was nine months pregnant she fell a sharp pain in her stomach.''Aarghhh Gill its.. time..uurghhh!!!''Kasha groaned in pain. Gill then quickly  brought her to the neathian hospital were luckily the neathian doctor knew it was time for the birth of their twin baby's. Gill rushed to the delivery room and he put her down on the bed. ''Just push my dear Kasha!''Gill said as he was holding her hand tight. The doctor was looking below her legs and Kasha starts to push. ''Uuaargghhh!!!!''Kasha pushed feeling the contractions in her womb. Kasha also felt pain and blood was coming out of her vagina. Kasha then gritted her teeth holding her husband's hand very tight. Gill too noticed the blood was flowing out and he was worried about her. ''Just keep pushing Kasha you can do it!''Gill said. Kasha nodded at her husband as she pushed further as everything for the childbirth is going so far good. ''Uuuarrrrghhh!!!!''Kasha pushed again as the doctor could see the head of her first baby. ''Just one more push Queen Kasha you almost did it!''The neathian doctor replied.

''Alright...aaaaarghhhhhh!!!!!'''Kasha then pushed as she finally gave birth to her first son,''Waaaarghhhhh!!!!''The first baby cried and the nurse took the baby as she cut the umbillical cord. Gill was relieved that the first baby was born but now Kasha has to push again in order to give birth to the second baby. Kasha felt once again the strong contractions in her stomach,'' hurts,but I must give our last baby...uurghhhh!!!!''Kasha pushed again as this time more blood came out. Even Gill was nervous. ''I hope our second child will be born safety and hopefully its not to late.''Gill thought as he held Kasha's hand tight. ''Uuurghhh!!!!!!''Kasha pushed further even she was very exhausted from the birth of the first child. After a minute the doctor could see the second child's tuft of hair. ''Push Queen Kasha you almost did it.!''The Neathian doctor shouted. Gill then too looked how her vagina was bleeding as he too saw that Kasha was slowly giving birth as then she pushed one more time. ''Uuaaarghhh!!!!''Kasha then finally gave birth to the last baby. ''Waaarghhh!!!!''The last of the twin baby's was born as he was covered of her blood and Kasha was very exhausted of the birth. ''Hhehehuhuhu....did it..suceeded dear?''Kasha asked in a tired tone. Gill hugged her carefully,''Yes thats right you did a splendid job Kasha my love.''Gill replied.

Gill then saw the doctor cut the umbillical cord of the last baby while the nurse was cleaning and wrapping the first baby. Both the twin baby's were crying,''Waaaarghhh!!!!''Both the twins cried as the nurse then gave the baby's to King Gill and his wife. ''Congratulations sire and Queen Kasha both heathly baby boy's.''The nurse said.  Then both Gill and kasha cradled them and to comfort them right away. ''Shhhsshh its alright my little son's''Kasha said to them. Then they both stopped to cry as Gill smiled at his wife and then he noticed the boy with the purple hair was in Kasha's arms. ''My dear Kasha how shall we call our new born precious baby's?''Gill asked. Kasha smiled at her husband,''I wil call then Giro and Jiro.''Kasha answered.

Gill liked their names,''Thats great names for our twin boys.''Gill replied as they both then hugged their new born baby's.

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