maandag 4 juni 2012

Twelve orders parenthood part 2

After working and training the bakugans Airzel came back home as Ellie was breastfeeding their little daughter Hana. ''I am back Ellie dear.'' Ellie then was glad to see her husband and after feeding Hana she stood up with their daughter in her arms. Even little baby Hana was happy to see her daddy. ''Hehehe.''Hana laughed. Eliile walked up to her husband and she kissed Airzel on the cheek. ''How was it dear to train the bakugans?''Ellie asked. Airzel smiled at his wife,''It was going fine Ellie and by the way how is it going with our sweet little girl.?''Airzel answered. Ellie then gave Hana to Airzel,''She is doing very fine as she was playing with her blocks and then I gave her a first bath as she first was a bit scared of it.''Ellie told. Airzel  then smiled as he both hugged his wife and daughter.  Hana then wants to play with her daddy. ''So you want to play with daddy my sweet little daughter?''Airzel said. Hana nodded as he then plays with his daughter. ''I will cook now for us now dear so long you play with our little daughter.''Ellie said as Airzel nodded and smiled at her. ''Alright Ellie dear.''Airzel replied. Airzel then tickled his little daughter on her cheek,''Hhahaehehe...''Hana laughed and she enjoyed to be tickled by her daddy. after tickling her Hana then wanted to hug daddy as she cuddled her cheek against his cheek. Airzel then hugs his sweet little girl back. ''Daddy loves you too my precious sweet little daughter.''Airzel said as he hugged his baby daughter.

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