zondag 5 april 2015

chapter 3 Rarity' s dream

Rarity blushed and would love to nuzzle him too as they then indeed nuzzle each other as other costumers saw this,they liked this sight.
After the no nuzzle they gazed at each other and then leaving the store together.
Rarity feels more attached to him she leaned her head on his neck, Blue sky blushed and smiled lovely at her.

When they walked together through ponyvile Twilight and Spike were also around as Twillight wanted to visit Rarity.

Twilight and Spike approached Rarity's house as Spike loves to visit Rarity Twillight saw it on his face.

They then arrived at Rarity's house as Twilight noticed a note on the door,"Hmm a note."Twillight thought.

She picks up the note also Spike noticed it too wondering what is says,"What's does it say Twillight?"Spike asked.

"Well is says Rarity is on a date."Twilight answered.

Spike then sighed however he can't not get angry with the one she is dating. "So with who is she dating?"Spike asked.

"That's a surprise I assume."Twillight replied.
Meanwhile they were both chilling in the flower field both Rarity and Blue sky.
"It was a great date Blue sky."Rarity said with a blush.

Blue sky smiled lovely at her"indeed Rarity it was."Blue sky replied and gazed at her again.
In the bushes Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom were spying as Apple bloom thinks he could become Sweetie Belle's brother in law.

"Sweetie Belle there might be a chance he would ask your sister to marriage."Apple bloom said.

"I know that will be great hihi."Sweetie Belle replied. Till then a other young filly shows up behind Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom.
"Hey Sweetie Belle!" A voice was heard.
"Huh?" Sweetie Belle turned around seeing a brown filly with a smirk,"Are you playing a game?" Button mash asked.

Sweetie Belle was not amused to see him right now also Apple bloom too "what brings you here Button?"Sweetie Belle asked.
"Well I wanted to play with you Sweetie Belle."Button replied.

"Okay we play with you Button."Apple bloom said.

While the brown filly distracted Rarity and Blue sky left the field heading back to her


Blue sky escorted her and by her house Twillight and spike were waiting for her,after reading the note she is on a date and be right back.
Twilight saw Rarity with a handsome looking unicorn. "Hmm wonder who that pony is."Twillight thought.

Spike too looked never saw him before.
"Oh look Rarity there is someone at your house Rarity."Blue sky said.

"That's my friends Twilight and Spike."Rarity replied. Rarity and Blue sky approached Twilight and Spike.

"Sorry for letting you two wait."Rarity said
Twilight smiled at her "It's okay Rarity and who is that with you?"Twilight asked.
"Well Twilight this is Blue sky I met him yesterday."Rarity answered.

"It's me a honor to meet you princess Twilight." Blue sky said.
"Thanks me too Blue sky and this is Spike."Twilight replied.

"Hi there."Spike said as Blue sky smiled at him,and pats him on his head.
"Nice to meet you too Spike."Blue sky said.
Spike smiled back at him liking him too,after introduction Rarity let them in for some tea during the tea Twilight noticed Blue sky has being interested in Rarity.

Twilight then thinks something thinking to organize for Rarity and her lover.
"Hmm a wedding would be not bad for them."Twilight thought.
Spike looked at Twillight"Twilight what are you thinking?"Spike asked.

Twilight then whispered to Spike while Rarity and Blue sky were nuzzling each other,"aww I see."Spike whispered back.

"Hhmmm." They nuzzled as Twilight hated to interrupt their lovely moment,"Ermm excuse me Rarity we have to go now to settle something."Twilight said.
Rarity and Blue sky looked at her "Alright Twilight and thanks for dropping by."Rarity replied.

Twillight smiled "No prob Rarity and have fun you two."Twilight replied and she also gave Spike sign to come along with her,the young dragon nods and leaves.
Now Rarity and Blue sky have now a moment of their own now.
Blue sky then wraps his hoof around Rarity making her blush again.

"Rarity would you like to..erm."Blue sky stumbled.
"Yes I love to."Rarity replied after saying it he proposed to her.

Rarity was happy to hear that as she always dreamed of marrying the dream stallion she wanted.

At the park Sweetie Bell blamed Button for losing sight of her sister.
"Thanks to you we lost sight of them."Sweetie Belle said.

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