donderdag 9 april 2015

Mlp chapter 6 parenthood

After Rarity gave birth to their son also some last checks to see if Blue Diamond is healthy,the little colt smiled and was very healthy.
"He is very healthy and has a lot of energy."The doctor said handing their child back to Rarity.
"Thanks doctor..our little boy."Rarity nuzzled their child.
Blue sky too nuzzles him too,the little colt loves it how his daddy and mommy loves him a lot. "Wahehea."The baby colt held with his tiny hoofs their muzzle Twilight and the others liked this sight.
"So now you went through the birth guess you two have a lot to do." Fluttershy said.
Both nods while Rarity holds him and looked at her friends,"That's right we must tend him."Rarity answered.

Twilight smiled and were glad for them "Good luck and we visit you three tomorrow and also rest well Rarity."Twilight said.
"Thanks I will Twilight."Rarity replied.
Blue Diamond snuggled close to his mother's chest and falls asleep in her fore leg as Blue sky liked this sight.

After this conversation they each departed back home as Sweetie Belle was excited to meet her baby nephew.
Blue sky and Rarity walked towards their house both looking at their little one he has white coat like his parents and has purple and half blue manes.
He was sleepin peacefully till they reached the door as Blue sky opens the door of course letting Rarity first in,and then himself as last.
Sweetie Belle welcomed them back home but mostly she laid her eyes on her baby nephew as she runs up to them.

"Brother Sis let me see the baby please?"Sweetie Belle asked.
Rarity and Blue sky smiled at her"of course you may see him Sweetie Belle."Rarity answered.
She then lets her younger sister seeing the baby colt. "Aww he is so cute sis."Sweetie Belle said.

He then wakes up from hearing the filly's voice opens his eyes looking at Sweetie Belle.

"Wurghewhe."He tried to touch Sweetie Belle 's snout with his tiny hooves.
"Aww come to aunty."Sweetie Belle said.
Rarity smiled then hands him to her younger sister Sweetie Belle hugs him carefully having now a bond with him,the foals smiled at her and wants to play with her.

"He wants to play with you Sweetie Belle."Blue sky said. Rarity gives Sweetie Belle a plush so she can play with him.
"I be careful with him sis and brother."Sweetie Belle replied.
"Good then we both will prepare his crib."Blue sky said and they goes to the bed room to place the crib next to their bed,while Sweetie Belle watches over him.
"Herrrheurghhhaha."He played with the plushie and then hen starts to cry.

He was hungry and Sweetie Belle didn't knew what to give a foal so she decides to get her sis,after all its her baby to tend.
"Sis why is he crying?"Sweetie Belle asked.

"Cause he is hungry."Rarity answered.
She picked her son up and comforts him,"there there mommy will feed you right away."Rarity said nuzzling her child.

Blue diamond stopped crying and snuggled close to her face Rarity then kisses his fore head,the filly saw it and then she takes her leave.
So that Rarity has a moment alone with her son after Sweetie Bell she puts her down and lets him drink her mother milk under her belly sucking.
"Soon you be a big boy my sweet little son."Rarity said and watches him drinking.

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