vrijdag 10 april 2015

Mlp chapter 7 visit

iiAfter Rarity feeded her son he fell asleep and snuggled close to her chest,Rarity smiled she slowly stood up and picks up her son.
Bringing him to the crib upstairs as Sweetie Belle and Blue sky had the crib ready. "He will love his crib for sure."Sweetie Belle said.

Blue sky nods and pets her on her head while they starts to know each other better Rarity came with little son.

"The crib looks great."Rarity said and puts him into the crib and pulling the blanket over him.
"Sleep well our little prince."Rarity kisses on his fore head.
Blue sky then goes up to her standing next besides her looking at their child.
"I am so happy to have a family now."Rarity said.
Blue sky nods and nuzzles her "Me too my dear."Blue sky. "Blue sky replied Rarity nuzzzled her husband back.

Till then there was knocked on the door "Hey is somepony home?" A voice was heard Rarity and her husband goes downstairs to check who it was. Rarity opens the door seeing Pinky pie and she saw something different on her.

"Hey Pinky pie nice to see you,and ermm did you gained weight or something?"Rarity asked.
Pinky pie looked at her and smiled at her not sure how to say it.
"Well I ermmm...I.."Pinky pie stumbled.
Rarity then looked once more at her till then she starts to notice it,"Oh my don't tell me you are pregnant now?"Rarity said.
Pinky pie then blushed and admits it"Yes I am and the father of my unborn foals is Cheese Sandwich."Pinky pie answered.
Rarity was surprised to hear that "So in other words you . twins?"Rarity asked.

"Yeah we are both happy to have soon two foals."Pinky pie replied and was happy to become herself a mother.

"I am happy for you Pinky and what's Twilight so doing?"Rarity tasked wanting to know what the others are doing.
Pinky pie smiled at Rarity "Well she is dating with Flash sentry since he asked her for a date." Pinky pie answered.

"That's excellent news after all a royal guard and a princess suits each other."Rarity said.
Rarity then lets her in so they can sit in the living room while Blue sky sets up some tea'Sweetie Belle was by the crib.

Blue sky brings tea to the living room also talking about some future plans,"So Blue sky may I ask what kind of work you do?"Pinky pie asked.

"Well I do also fashion for colts also speaking of it I need to check later to my shop."Blue sky answered.
Rarity then looked at her husband she neither saw his shop neither before.

"Hey lets so check out your shop."Pinky pie said. Blue sky nods "Sure why not as Sweetie as

Belle can watch over our son."Blue sky replied and Rarity nods also Pinky pie knows that Blue diamond was sleeping like a rock.
"Well then lets check it out follow me."Blue sky said.

Rarity and Pinky pie nods following him leaving the house for a while,Rarity walks besides her husband.

He leads them to a very luxious large shop were many customers were in his shop,as then one of his co workers turned around seeing his boss.

"Hey boss how is it going?" A pony asked.
Blue sky smiled " It's going great thanks for asking." Blue sky answered.
"Having a beautiful wife and a little son."Blue sky told him , while Rarity and Pinky pie looked around.

"Amazing shop my darling."Rarity said and she was very amazed plus her husband also is manager of a model business.
"Thanks my dear."Blue sky replied.

Later after have seen his shop it was time to head back home on their way back Pinky pie tells Rarity a other thing,that considered something about Fluttershy.

"Rarity there is also something Fluttershy is doing even I didn't first believe my ears."Pinky pie said.
Rarity and Blue sky looked at her confused mostly Rarity herself. "And what might it be?"Rarity asked.

"Well she wanted to be with Discord for real."Pinky pie answered.
Rarity was then surprised,"huh what with Discord for real?"Rarity said.
Pinky pie nods and Blue sky heard that too only he doesn't know who Discord is he only was glad for Fluttershy to have a lover.

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