zondag 21 december 2014

Chapter 4 infested trap set up and new allies

After  the training  Valkyr improved a lot  so they spended some free time with her together,before  a new mission will be given.  Valkyr went with Rhino  to the zen garden to relax a little  as she slowly starts to wonder about something and she sits  down  by the pond. ''Urghh..''Valkyr sighed  Rhino  then sits next to her''Is something bothering you Valkyr?''Rhino asked.
''Well there is a thing I am worried about is those infestested  everything that are our enemies is ,it wont simple stop exsisting at all why cant everything be at peace.''Valkyr said.

''Valkyr I know you hate it  but we together can do it to get rid of our enemies and save the universe.''Rhino said  placing a hand on her shoulder causing her to blush again. ''Thanks Rhino for your words,and you re right we are all in this together.''Valkyr replied.

While they were  talking about this Trinity  speaks with lotus about a urgent mission,''Tenno  there is a  urgent  mission you all need to do.''Lotus said. Trinity looked at her''Tell us  were we must go.''Trinity replied. 

''The invasion takes place on  Eris  go and  exterminate the infested plague at one,I am counting on you all.''Lotus replied.  Trinity nods''Understood  Lotus  I tell the others  to prepare.''Trinity  replied and runs out of the room in order to tell them about this mission,as she first goes to were Rhino and Valkyr are.  ''Rhino Valkyr we got a mission!''Trinity shouted as both Rhino and Valkyr turned around.  ''A mission you say?''Valkyr asked ''Yes thats right Valkyr a  infested ship on Eris.''Trinity answered.  ''Alright then we better go right away.''Rhino said and stood up Valkyr as well,and they followed Trinity to the ship as Lotus  told Loki  Saryn Ember and Ash as well about the mission as well. 

They waited for Trinity Rhino and Valkyr to come to the ship also a other thing Lotus told them,that Alad V was still alive and he is responsible  for the infestation invasion. Ember wasnt sure to tell it to Valkyr knowing she would go into rage mode if she hears about him,Ash noticed Ember was thinking ''Dont worry Ember we wont tell it Valkyr.''Ash said.

''You re right and oh..there they are hey over here!''Ember shouted and waved at them the trio saw their friends by the ship and rushed to them.  Ember was glad to see Valkyr all happy and she didnt wanted to ruin her mood so instead she wants to cover her against those nasty creatures,''Are you ready Valkyr to extertimate those nasty creatures?''Ember asked.

''Yes I am Ember.''Valkyr replied as she then boards the ship also the others too entered the ship after boarded the ship went off, leaving the dojo and going to the direction of Eris were a  ship was full of infested on board.

Meanwhile  Alad V was creating new infested creatures  a mutalist moa brood mother ''Hehehe soon the universe will be all mine,and of course I will kill all those tenno's that gets in my way hahaha!''Alad V laughed.

Two other figures  spied on Alad V Limbo and Mesa  in secret''So he is behind this?''Mesa thought.  Limbo nods in agreement''We better get out of here and  see what he will do next.''Limbo replied.  ''Right.''Mesa said and together they leave Alad V's ship to report.

Back to Rhino and his team they are slowly approaching the ship at the navigation screen,it was shown the ship was full of the infested spawn pods as it had become a sort  nest for those creatures,and there was no life sign of any survivors it made them feel angered,Loki looked at the screen.

 ''Alright everyone here we are the infested ship we need to be careful they are in large numbers.''Loki said.  The others nods and knew this might be a bit dangerous but they have no choice its for the safe of the  universe to be cleansed  of those creatures.  Valkyr Rhino Ember and Ash nods Saryn and Trinity too ''Lets do this and together we wipe them all out.''Trinity  replied.

Ordis looked at them''Be careful you all operators I count on you all.''Ordis said Valkyr looked at Ordis,''Dont worry Ordis we come safe back to you and thanks.''Valkyr replied.

''Well then  lets go for it.''Rhino said and then they all enters the infested ship as there was all parasites and spawn pods to see Valkyr didnt liked this sight she  got her weapons ready to kill them all,Rhino and the others too were ready till they heard something was approaching them. ""Rghhhaarrghhh!!'' A Charger was making its way towards them.

''Everyone ready your weapons!''Rhino said as the charger then  shows up towards them''Grrghhh!!''The creature  runs very fast and  its running torwards Valkyr,she knew what to do as she shoots at the creature's head. ''Take this!''Valkyr shoots the grenade at the creature and his head explodes. ""Grarrghhh!!'' the creature fell limp to the ground.   After Valkyr killed it  the group moves further deeper to the ship as there were 155 infested left  Ember  was behind Ash Valkyr  was walking besides Rhino Trinity was ahead of them,Loki and Sayrn were  behind Ember.

On their way they saw many dead Corpus  bodies on the way all were killed by those creatures Valkyr got a bit chills in her back but she wont give in she need to do what she must do protecting her friends,and mostly Rhino. ''Rhino were are they hiding?''Valkyr asked.
Rhino looked at her''They hide deep in the ship Valkyr....arrrghhh!!''till then the large many numbers  were heard.

''Oh no this isnt what we expected for!''Ember said  making the others schocked too''Wait you mean this os a trap!''Ash replied.  ''Arghh!!!''A ancient   healer growled   and was   also running fast to their directions followed by the other infested. ""Garghhh!!!'' Crawlers   mutalist moa's and other many infested  creatures.  ""Hehearrghh!!'' Rhino and Valkyr Ash Ember Loki Saryn  and Saryn gets ready and starts to shoot them all. 

''Shoot everyone!''Rhino said as he goes for the acient healers ''Understood!''Loki said.
Valkyr  aims for those  Moa's however they keep doing the grenades and stomps at the ground,''Urghh!!''Valkyr fell to the ground.  ''Urggghh I wont let you win!.''Valkyr then activates  hysteria. ""Arghh!!!''Valkyr runs towards the Moa's and kills some of them.  ""Argghhh!!''One by one Valkyr kills them while Ember was surrounded by leapers  and burns them all to death''Burn to hell!''Ember said using her abilities.

Ash  used Shuriken to strike all  ospreys down into above them Loki went invisible to shoot the  leapers as well Trinity  covered Rhino and for Saryn she deals with the chargers,however they did relealize this isnt the number they thought it was to be it was 300 of those creatures.  ""Darn its too many of them!''Valkyr said.

''We must all stay together!''Rhino shouted as they stood back to back the whole team surrounded by those creatures,all aproaching them a bit closer Valkyr was pissed off but they all could do was shooting at them. ''Arghhh!!!'' One of them jumps  high and shoots acid at Ash's feet.  ''Urghh darn  you  bastard!''Ash  shoots at the moa to take it down.  And the  rocket hits the moa''Arghhh!!'' falling it to the ground. 

And the other infested too starts to strike again the team was driven into a dead end,they knew to must survive  and come back safe to lotus  Ember  didnt wanted to give up neither just like Valkyr,''Everyone  use your all powers!''Ember shouted. 

They all then nods using their abilities Valkyr used hysteria and starts to rip all infested''Arghhggrrr!!!'' Others did the same with their powers  Rhino used his stomp  attack to kill them ,till then suddenly   two gun shots  appeared out of no were killing the other creatures from behind them. ""Arwwarghh!!!'' All the other half of the 299 infested falls down.
''What the?''Rhino said.

As then a fan  gets  sliced open two more figures then shows up  behind them,they didnt  expeted  help in this mission. Ember and the others looked at them even Valkyr looked at the two new figures that had aided them to their rescue,''Thanks for the aid and who are you two?''Valkyr asked.

Mesa  then looked at them''Well I am Mesa the  gunslinger and this is my partner Limbo.''Mesa introduced. Limbo  nods and  bowed to them''Yes its my pleasure to meet you all team Rhino.''Limbo replied.  Rhino nods and the others too''Its our pleasure too Mesa and Limbo.''Rhino replied.

Ember Loki Ash Trinity and Saryn too looked at them''Anyway do you two knows who is behind this?''Saryn asked.  Mesa and Limbo nods even they were not sure how to say this,it could make them angry for not  killing Alad V.

''Well before I tell it you please dont get angry with us.''Mesa said.  They nods''Alright Mesa we wont so please tell it us.''Valkyr  replied.

''To tell you all the truth  Alad V is still alive  and is behind this mess.''Mesa said shocking everyone  hearing that mad man is still alive''No way it cant be!''Ember said. Mesa shook her head ,even Valkyr was schocked that bastard was still alive making feeling her enraged again. ''And we thought he was dead.''Saryn said.   Even Rhino couldnt believe it he had wounded Alad V deadly  since the last encounter''So in other words he had faked his death.?''Rhino asked.

Mesa nods''Yes thats right he had fooled you all and there is more he even has a device to mind control a warframe so if we want to stop him he must try out to locate him and find out were he is.''Mesa explained.  ''But first lets get out of here as the mission is done.''Limbo said.

Mesa nods looking at him''Right and we will meet up at the dojo and explain everything.''Mesa replied.  The others nods even they still were  schocked about this truth mostly for Valkyr,after all she  hates him the most.  ''Alright lets leave for now mission complete.''Rhino replied as they then leaves the ship.

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