dinsdag 16 december 2014

Strong love Rhino x Valkyr

In the lab of Alad V   there was  a experiment going on many Corpus crewman was helping Alad V out , the  Zanuka  project  many tenno's were killed by them so they become parts of the project.
Alad V was  busy  creating Zanuka  and Zanuka hunter.

Also in the lab left alone in a prison chained in shackles  Valkyr was in pain  she suffered very much.

''Urrghh it hurts..those wounds  waarrghh no..one will ever come to save me.!'' She  cried and she would like to try to break free ,but she couldnt move.

Meanwhile Lotus had contacted Rhino and his team for a rescue mission.
 ''Tenno you and your team must save  a captured wounded  tenno called Valkyr,she is being held in the  lab of Alad V.'' Lotus explained.

''Understood we will go right away to Jupiter and save  Valkyr.''Rhino replied.
After  Lotus gave them the  mission  Rhino  Saryn  Ember,and Ash Loki  they quickly  boarded their ship heading to Jupiter.

Ember looked at the coordinates of Jupiter as Rhino was thinking what Lotus told them,that Valkyr  was being tortured  abused even doing experiments on her.

He doesnt liked the thought  of how cruel Alad V can be when it comes to kill Tenno's for his sick project Zanuka.

Ash was  piloting  the ship  and makes a perfect landing at the landing dock.
Rhino Ash   Loki and Ember left the ship as Trinity stays with Saryn at the ship. 

''Be careful guys there are lots of Corpus  crewman patroling along with Moa's.''Saryn said.
Rhino and the others nods,''Understood  and we will kill them all.''Ash replied.

In the lab Alad V was unaware that the rescue party had arrived as he was busy with Valkyr, "'Arghh you  freak..please stop..hurting me you..bastard..urghh!!'' She screamed.

Alad V loves the sound of her screams experimenting with her, even disecting her like a animal.
''Just stay still it will be quick over...hehehe..''

At the docks  Rhino  Ash  Loki and Ember   sneaks through the headquarters  as there were many  moa's and Corpus men patroling, Loki looked around  and then he was thinking of a plan.
Rhino clenched his fist seeing so many  enemies around.

Ember and Ash looked at him. ''Rhino are you angry about something?''Ember asked.

''Rghh its just the thought of that Valkyr  is going through those sufferings,wich killed many of our fellow tenno's that man must be killed.'' Rhino answered.

Loki then heard them,''Guys I will distract them you guys go and find Alad V.''Loki said.

''Roger that Loki be careful.'''

The first alarms went off as Loki starts to shoot at the moa's  the Corpus men saw Loki and, they starts to fire back at him.  Rhino takes the chance  even Ember decides to back up Loki  against them .

She uses her  flame attacks on them,''Blerghh!!'' one by one they get killed by Ember and Loki.
Loki killed them with his burston rifle,and used his decoy as well.

Meanwhile in the lab one Corpus men came to Alad V telling him intruders came.

""What intruders you imbecils! '' Alad V cursed. 

He was pissed off  afraid they would  take Valkyr with them and he stared at the unconcious Valkyr. Alad V  activates Zanuka as he then looked at his pet.

''Zanuka kill those intruders and bring their parts to me!'' Alad V orded the mechanic  creature.

Valkyr then wakes up hearing the alarm' s  .  ''What...is...going...on?'' She thought.

Alad V went quickly to her and  calls more Corpus men,''Dont let  your guard down we must leave at once before those pesty Tenno's show up!''

The Corpus men nods  and they inject something into her. ""Arghh!!'' She screamed in pain.
What they did was to make her feeling dazed  she tried everything to stay awake, struggling to fall in slumber again. ''I...feel...so...''She fell in sleep state again.

At the moment  Ember and Loki killed all the army while Rhino and Ash quickly runs with fullspeed towards Alad V's lab hoping, that they arent to late to save Valkyr.  The duo heads  almost at the front door of the lab were Valkyr  was being held.
''I go ahead Ash.''Rhino sturms the doors even there was still enemies around to protect Alad V and then Zanuka  showed up in front of Rhino and Ash.

''Arrghh!!'' It growled  towards Ash and Rhino  ready to tear them apart Rhino was too ready for him,till then Ash then  noticed its  a distraction  to buy Alad V some  time to escape.  ''Rhino  I will fight Zanuka its up to you now to get Alad V!''Ash shouted.

''Understood Ash  but be careful.''Rhino replied  as he runs  further passing through Zanuka and Ash.
However Zanuka tries to block Rhino's  way by shooting his missiles  at him, but Rhino luckliy dodged  them and runs out of the sight Ash then  slashes at Zanuka. ""Arrghhhhrrrgg!!!''

Ash is using his galatine sword  plus his  tetra rife to shoot at Zanuka and Rhino then finally  arrivés  at the dock were Alad V and his  helpers are about to leave Rhino quickly  hides behind a wall.  ''Grrr there he is that bastard.''Rhino thought.

One of the Corpus crew men held Valkyr in their arms she was onconcius and for Alad v he was smirking,even he had the nerve to touch Valkyr's body making Rhino  angered. ''My beautiful  Zanuka  you re all mine hehehe!''Alad V laughed.

Rhino then decides to show himself up  in front of them ''No I wont let you have her Alad V!'' Alad V and the Corpus men then saw Rhino  getting their weapons ready, Rhino  comes closer to them dodging their  lasers and ramms  them all down.  ""Blarghhh!!''They screamed also getting slashed and killed by Rhino with his  Scindo.   Even the Corpus that held Valkyr was taken down and she fell to the ground, Alad V  then  took a step behind even he was afraid that Rhino will kill him too.

Rhino looked with full Anger at him,''Alad V its game over for you  give up!''Rhino shouted.  However Alad V was stubborn  and stood in front of Valkyr ,''Hehe never  Tenno she is mine  and wont give anyone to her.''Alad V replied. Rhino then aims at Alad V as he  shoots his missiles  at Rhino trying to get rid of Rhino himself. However the missiles missed Rhino and he shoots at Alad V.  ""Arghh!!!""Alad V got hit by his  chest and falls to the ground.
Bleeding out  heavily  as Rhino took his chance to  save Valkyr taking her in his arms.

Back to Ash Loki and Ember they managed  to kill all Corpus threat and along with Zanuka ,''hehehe we did it guys we took them all down.''Ember said Loki and Ash  agreed with her even they wonders if Rhino got a hold of the warframe they must rescue.  ''Do you think that Rhino got rid of Alad V Ember?''Ash asked.

''I hope so  as they cant get away with her.''Ember replied  till then Lotus contacted them,''Nice work Tenno Alad V has been taken down.''Lotus said.  Ember Loki and Ash were  glad to hear that message from Lotus as Ember was so happy she  hugged Ash from happiness,and Loki too was happy Ash  blushed being hugged by Ember.  

Meanwhile back to Rhino he heads back to Ash loki and Ember  leaving Alad V behind,''Arrghh..dont think..you havent...seen..me.for..the last time...Tenno...'' Alad V's words to Rhino.   Rhino  ignored his words and he looked at the oncouncious  Valkyr she was full of wounds  bruises  and she looked very sad and was mistreated by him.

''Look guys Rhino is back!''Ember said as they saw Rhino  heading back to his teammates  they rushed  up to him. Rhino smiled at his friends showing them the new warframe  he had saved only she is onconcious at the moment.  They looked at her ''Poor thing she looks so sad and tormented .''Ember said. 

''Yes but that will change from now on Ember we will show her the ways of the tenno,and will protect her as our fellow teammate for in the future.''Rhino said,  Loki and Ash agreed with him till the ship  came Trinity and Saryn  to  get them back to the ship.  After they went back to the ship Rhino  puts Valkyr  in a pod were she can rest.  Trinity and Saryn too looked at her as they never saw such warframe before.  Rhino then looked at Trinity,''Trinity can you heal her?''Rhino asked.

''Of course Rhino I will heal her.''Trinity replied and starts to heal her Rhino somehow had  the feeling he couldnt stop looking at Valkyr.  Ash and Ember notices on Rhino started to whisper behind his back. ''You think Rhino has feelings for her?''Ember whispered. ''Yes I think the same.''Ash whispered back Loki  left  Rhino alone with Trinity to take care of Valkyr,''Ember Ash leave them alone for a while.''Loki said. 

''Alright Loki.''They replied leaving the  room as Loki goes to navigation  as he orders Ordis to bring them back to the dojo. ''Understood operator Loki.''Ordis replied. As the ship was heading back at the dojo Trinity too looked at Rhino,''Rhino  shall I check on you too?''Trinity asked. Rhino shook his head,''No need Trinity I am fine.''Rhino replied.

''Alright if you say so Rhino.''Trinity said and she leaves Rhino alone with Valkyr  even she was thinking what will Lotus tell them,how Valkyr can get used to them that they are all the same,she too hopes everyone will get with Valkyr  Along and not treating her like she is a monster.
After Trinity left Rhino alone  he looked at Valkyr she was in deep slumper as he then was woundering if he can convince Lotus to take care of her. 

''Dont worry Valkyr I will protect you from every harm.''Rhino said and starts to hold her hand.

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