donderdag 18 december 2014

Chapter two Valkyr's new home and new life

Valkyr started  to move during her slumber even she  gets a nightmare,''Hahaha you re all mine my Zanuka!''Alad V's voice said in her mind.  Valkyr tried to  escape the nightmare  which was more a  fragment of her past during the time he and the Corpus caught her.
''Grrghh I...will kill you...Alad V!!'' She  yelled in anger.   But instead she wanted to attack him the Corpus men shoot all their lasers at her.  ""Arghhh!!!'' She screamed  in pain  and   tied her on a table and started to torture her. 

""!''She screamed till then she wakes up.when she came to her she was afraid till she then saw a other Tenno holding her hand.   ''Dont be afraid Valkyr you re in safe hands now.''Rhino said while holding her hand.   Valkyr starts to feel  safe and she looked at him,''Are you the one that saved me?''Valkyr asked.  ''Yes I saved you from Alad V along with my friends.''Rhino replied. 

''Then what that  bastard?''Valkyr asked as she wanted to try to get up,but still not feeling her legs yet,''Urghh darm cant move my legs.''Valkyr cursed.  Rhino looked at her as he knew  soon the stunning effect will be tomorrow over.  ''You have been onconcious for a while and I took him down he had stunned your body so you couldnt move.''Rhino explained.

''Darn.. ..urghh but  still it was a they treated me warghhh!!''She started to cry.  Rhino then feels sorry for her and decides to wrap his arms around her,also letting her cry on his chest. 
When she cried Ash Loki and Ember heard her  they knew it was a nightmare for her,how Alad V had treated her and so much pain she had being through.  They  peeked seeing that Rhino was trying to comfort her and making her feel secure and safe.

''Valkyr I know how you feel and how much hate you feel in your heart,but like I said I wont let anyone  having you ever again.''Rhino comforts her even Valkyr then wrapps her arms around him. Loki Ash and Ember found this sight somehow cute how Rhino starts to develop feelings for her,and Valkyr too . ''You re so warm and strong..''Valkyr said leaning her head on his chest Rhino  looked at her and strokes her helmet,''Also  my name is Rhino and will stay at your side.''Rhino said.  After Rhino introduced himseld he starts to cuddle with her a little Valkyr blushed  and starts to like this  feeling  so warm and safe being with him,''Rhino.. ''Valkyr said.  ''Yes Valkyr?''Rhino asked looking at her again,''Please stay at my side Rhino and dont leave me alone.''Valkyr replied.

''Lets leave them alone for a moment.''Loki said as both Ash and Ember nods  leaving Rhino and Valkyr having their moment alone together,before introducing them to her. However Ordis seems to see them too even not knowing that Valkyr is half  Corpus Zanuka half Tenno. ''Hmm hope she wont attack the others.''Ordis thought.

 Later then the ship finally lands  as Valkyr didnt noticed that she was on a ship with the other Tenno's,as she only laid a eye on Rhino her savior feeling that he also might become her partner in future missions.  However Trinity then came to interrupt their lovely moment,''Ahem Rhino is she awake?''Trinity asked.  Both Rhino and Valkyr then looked at Trinity ,''Yes she is awake,only her legs are still a bit  numb  a bit.''Rhino explained. 

''I see then dont worry Valkyr tomorrow its will be over and my name is Trinity.''Trinity introduced to her.  Valkyr looked at her ''Its me a pleasure too Trinity.''Valkyr said.

Trinity nods and then she looked at the window,''Seems we are finally back at the dojo everyone will be pleased to meet you Valkyr and we be your new family and we will Always protect each other.''Trinity said.  Valkyr nods and feels so happy to be with them now  Rhino stood up and he  picks Valkyr up and holds her in his arms. Trinity leads them outside the ship Ash Loki Saryn and Ember wanted to introduce themselves to Valkyr.

''Valkyr let me introduce you to Saryn Ember Ash and Loki.''Trinity said.   Ember was then the first of them  holding her hand out to Valkyr,''Its me a pleasure Valkyr and we will become  best friends.''Ember said.  Valkyr nods and feels more happy now at the moment,''Yes and you will  become our newest member and part of our family.''Saryn said.

''Its a honor to meet you and seems you found a love interrest Rhino.''Loki joked.
Both Rhino and Valkyr started to blush what he just said,but it didnt matter to Valkyr she   then leans her head on his chest Rhino too  ignored that words of loki and he walks besides them towards to the dojo.   At the Dojo entrance there was Lotus awaiting them to welcome Valkyr and to congratelate Rhino for their mission,in order to save Valkyr from the Corpus.

Valkyr then looked at Lotus having the feeling she might have seen her before,rembering a voice that told her she will be saved. ''So thats her  Lotus.''Valkyr said.  Trinity nods  as Lotus then walks up to them besides her Excalibur and Volt,she was guidance to all Tenno's in this solar system she then smiled at Valkyr.  ''Valkyr  from now on you be  at our side and we will fight against the grineers Corpus and other  threats,however there are still invasions going on after I heard from Darvo there are infested  that invades all  planets.''Lotus explained 

''I see  then I will be  glad to help you all out to save the universe.''Valkyr replied and she is willing to protect her new friends that will be also her new family.   ''Thats right but first you need to rest first Valkyr,Rhino you be in charge of taking care of her along with your squad.''Lotus said.

Rhino blushed and nods in agreed,''Understood Lotus we take good care of her.''Rhino replied trying to hide his blush,even Valkyr blushed and she didnt mind if everyone would know they  will be a couple.   Rhino Ash Loki Ember Trinity and Saryn  takes Valkyr to their Dojo  were she can recover  showing her around.   They first showed  her the zen garden which was Saryn in charge of to take care off. ''This is the zen garden were we can feel relax and take care of the garden.''Saryn said.

''Thats great Saryn and it looks very beautiful the garden.''Valkyr replied  as she looked at it inmaging  her and Rhino relaxing together,Ember  could see that in her eye what she was thinking. ''Hmm seems she really  is in love with Rhino.''Ember thought.   After showing her the garden they then shows her the   dueling room  the course   training  and more rooms.  During the sightseeing  Ember is planning to   make them fall more in love.   Ash looked at Ember knowing she is into something,''Say Ember what are you thinking?''Ash asked.

''Well Ash I was thinking  that Valkyr might be in love with Rhino,as I mean look she  is  staring at Rhino like he is her knight.''Ember  answered.  Ash then  nods  that she had a point Valkyr has indeed a crush on Rhino.

Later then after had shown her everything Rhino decided to take Valkyr to his room so she can rest,and to know each other a bit better too. He puts her down on a pod   Valkyr  then sighed a bit still a bit angry that she couldnt move her legs yet. ''Urghh what a pain.''Valkyr sighed  Rhino looked at her and sits next to her. 
''I know  but   first how about..we know each other a bit better and how do you like the dojo?''Rhino asked.

Valkyr looked at him and was glad he asked about it,''Well to be honet I like it here very much you and the others are so kind to me.''Valkyr replied.  Outside the room Ember was eave dropping what they were saying and she has a small plan in her mind,''Hehe I make out of you  two the sweet pair no one has seen before.''Ember thought.  

She leaves them alone  unaware that Ember spied on them Valkyr started to move closer to Rhino trying to put her hand on his Rhino blushed again, and then he too puts his hand above hers and hold her hand.  Valkyr too blushed and loves to be around with him,''Rhino do you like me?''Valkyr asked while blushing.  Rhino too blushed and gazed at her,''Yes I like you Valkyr,when I first saw you onconcious  it made me feel angered too how that mad man treated you and my feelings told me I had to save you.''Rhino replied. 

Valkyr then felt her heart beating after hearing those words and  felt more attached to him and clinged more to him  and she wants to hug him so badly even to cuddle with him the whole night,''Say Rhino..erm how about we cuddle  a bit?''Valkyr stumbled. 

Rhino nods and then he too was glad he started to wrap his arms around her again and  they even embraced each other ,Rhino stroked her back during cuddling Valkyr felt great to cuddle with her knight and also considers him as her lover instead of a teammate.

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