maandag 22 december 2014

Chapter 5 seeking Alad V out

One day later after the mission  Mesa and Limbo  visits the dojo in order to tell Rhino and his team everything they know,even lotus knew Alad V was behind this. 

Everyone sat down in a circle next to each other listening to Mesa's  side of the story  how she and Limbo were traveling through the galaxy ...''So you two are working in secret huh never in other squads before?''Trinity asked.

Mesa then lowered her head and clenched her fist Limbo too was a bit silent about this question Valkyr looked at them...''Or could it be you two had  some teammates?''Saryn asked.  Mesa nods till then she has the courage to tell it.

''Well to tell you the truth we did had a third member  Zephyr she was very brave .''Mesa answered. 
Valkyr looks at her''What happend to her?''Valkyr asked.  Mesa then  gets a bit sad''Well she got killed when we rescued  some  humans of new loka during we fough the grineers.''Mesa answered.

Mesa could remember her actions when they rebeled against vay hek''Limbo Mesa dont mind me go without me!''Zephyr's last words were before she got shot and slashed by Vay hek. ""Arghh!!'' was heard after we both could escape with the hostages.''Mesa said.

Valkyr found it a sad  story''So she sacrficed her life to let you two live.''Valky said.

Mesa nods and was still a bit sad about it Zephyr was her best friend ever before meeting Limbo,but however she knows that life must go on no matter the lose is big and painful,Limbo then stroked her back comforting her. ''Mesa I know it hurts you still about her death but she will be Always in hour  heart.''Limbo said. 

Mesa nods and hugs him''yeah.''Valkyr looked at them they too were lovers as well Mesa would do everything for him too,but there was no time for love yet now they know Alad V is  still alive and wont let anyone alive.

Rhino too had the same feelings after hearing this  the others as well till then a  transmission shows up in front of them,a screen appeared in front of them of Alad V. ''Huh grrghh Alad V!''They all gasped.  ''Hehe greetings you all Tenno's hope you all are glad to see me alive right?''Alad V said.  Valkyr stood up and was angered at him''No  you re wrong Alad V  it was better you stayed dead!''Valkyr shouted.

Alad V then smriks looking at her''Hehe so you arent happy to see me after all,after I woke you up from your slumber hehe and thanks for looking after her.''Alad V said making Valkyr more angry at him.  ''Dont say such things you bastard,if we find you be dead.''Valkyr  replied pointing at him.

''Hehe then try to fine me!''He said as the transmission was over Rhino tried to calm Valkyr down ''Valkyr calm down we will take him down for good this time.''Rhino said having his hand on her shoulder.   ''You re right Rhino  I  just cant forgive him what he did to me.''Valkyr replied. 

''We know and together we silence him for good.''Ember said as it was time for Mesa and Limbo to leave the dojo standing up,trinity looked at them  as they actually want them in their team ''Are you two leaving already?''Trinity asked.   Mesa and Limbo looked at her''Yes as we both cant stay with you guys and besides we already know were Alad V is hiding.''Mesa answered.

Valkyr then turned her attention back to Mesa ''You really do?''Valkyr asked.  ''Yes he is in Eris in his lab if you go there kill him and his infested army for good.''Mesa answered.  Valkyr then was glad to hear that,''Thanks for the info Mesa and be careful you two.''Valkyr said.

Mesa nods ''We will and you all too be careful it could be a other trap for sure.''Mesa warned them they nods and promises her and Limbo they be carefull. ''We will Rhino replied as nothing can tear us apart of our team.''Rhino said.  Valkyr Ash Loki Ember Saryn and Trinity nods  agreeing with Rhino Mesa  was impressed of their team spirit  even Limbo was too impressed of them, and then they stood up as well.

Mesa and Limbo then leaves  after their talk with them  hoping they can take down Alad V for good as Rhino and his team watched them leaving their dojo,but there is always  still other dangers in the universe. 

Now they left Lotus then showed up in front of Rhino and his team that she had to tell them something they should know before  finding him,everyone looked at her what she has to say. ''Tenno  you and your team must be carefull  there is also something more  going on  if you  go to find Alad V as there is a sort portal on his  ship he can use  to  send  you to a other place of the universe.''Lotus warned them.   They looked at Lotus''Thanks for the warning Lotus,alright lets go everyone!''Rhino said.

''Yeah!''They replied and were ready for this  mission  running towards the ship as meanwhile Alad V was hoping they would come in order to kill him as he waits for them to come,and he had also a little surprise for them . ''Hehehe come  to me Tenno'your  life will end here.''Alad V thought and  grinned.

On the ship Valkyr looked this time at the navigation even she had a weird feeling about this time  she  hopes this isnt a other trap of Alad V  so he can trap her again,but not only her as her friends as well.  ''Alad V we will get you for good.''Valkyr thought.

They were almost  at the  spot were Alad V's ship is it was  behind planet Eris  it was a infested ship Valkyr and her friends  were ready for this confrontation  Ember Ash Loki told Saryn and Trinity they will take care of those creatures.  Rhino then saw Valkyr being a bit unsure about this and he then approaches her she turns around seeing Rhino  approaching her.

''Something wrong my dear Valkyr?''Rhino asked  Valkyr looked at him. ''Well its about  Alad V  I mean what if something goes terribly wrong while confroning him.''Valkyr answered.

''Do not fear Valkyr  I will ensure you I will  protect you from every harm.''Rhino answered.

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